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Everything You Need to Know About A Panel PC


A panel PC is a personal computer embedded into a flat-screen display so that the whole computer can be mounted in any way available for mounting a display only.

It gets rid of the need for a separate space for a computer. Often there are possibilities of using slots and cardholders to extend functionality.

Characteristics of A PC Panel

  • IP-rating
  • Certifications
  • Extended operating temperature range

The Difference Between A Panel PC and A Tablet


Industrial PCs have a life cycle of 5-7 years, which allows you to perform well into the foreseeable future. On the other hand, tablet computers often have a lifecycle between 1 and 3 years.


There’s no need to seek support in an ideal situation because your hardware solution of choice works perfectly. However, the chances are that the system may need service down the road when using electronic devices. Industrial PC manufacturers frequently offer advanced support, troubleshooting, and even application engineering because of the nature of the PC’s uses. This is to ensure that clients get the most out of their hardware. Furthermore, today’s industrial PCs help to reduce downtime drastically. This is because PCs have different modules. Therefore, when a PC fails, you can detach it and replace it with a spare PC module.


Downtime is something that no business wants to deal with. An average manufacturer can lose tens of thousands of dollars due to even a single hour of production downtime, as the research into the cost of downtime shows. It is vital to consider downtime costs for any business. Therefore, knowing what a system’s failure related to downtime could impact the bottom line.


In any PC purchase, system longevity is vital. It’s significant to ensure that the warranty of the hardware purchase is factored into the budget. Industrial Panel PC systems often entail a more extended and more inclusive standard warrant. On the other hand, extended warranties for tablet computers frequently come with a hefty premium. This is because there is a high risk of damage, combined with construction and consumer-grade parts.


In the majority of modern business applications, reliable networking is a must-have. For tablets, standard LAN port connection is not feasible because they wholly exclusively rely on WIFI. While networking performance is a concern, a wired LAN connection is always preferable. WIFI may seem adequate for many applications. The bottom line is, tablets are often non-starters for users who wish to connect multiple devices.


Tablets are the best solution when it comes to mobility. However, in an industrial setting, there are many concerns that the tablet’s portable nature may cause. Having decentralized systems hinders productivity.


There comes the need for charging with the portability of tablets. Tablet computers need different charging solutions of some kind, while industrial panel PCs are hardwired for power. It’s essential to consider installing charging stations and having protocols in place to ensure regular charging when purchasing tablets for an industrial application. This is to prevent wastage of operating time or even data corruption as a result of dead batteries.

When dealing with a situation that needs an integrated computer system, Panel PCs offer opportunities and unique features that tablets and other computer solutions can’t. However, a rugged tablet PC is a perfect solution for a wide variety of computer problems in many cases.