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Online Security: Is Usenet the Safest Option to Access & Download Content?


Usenet is one of the oldest online communication platforms that allows you to chat, download digital content, and have access to hundreds of thousands of discussion groups and topics from people all across the globe. Not too many people know about Usenet but it’s pretty safe to say that it’s indeed making a comeback. If you’re one who’s not too familiar with the tightly-knit Usenet community, you’re not alone. Think of it as the very first version of blogs, online forums, and social media.

Now, in using Usenet, especially if you’re new to it, one of your biggest concerns will more than likely be the issue of safety, as it is with most newbies. This is understandable. To use the internet these days, you almost need to have a cybersecurity plan in place before browsing just to prevent the worry of having your sensitive data or identity stolen from notorious hackers. 

Again, it’s understandable to have the concern of safety while browsing on Usenet but one thing that should bring you a bit of peace of mind is the fact that the platform is safe. In fact, Usenet is actually much safer to use, especially for downloading video content, than torrents, and even the popular “live” video streaming sites.

What Makes Usenet So Safe?

Well, in general, Usenet is safe because it allows you have the option of using SSL encryption. This is the very thing that prevents external parties from monitoring your activity while on Usenet. But this also depends on the service provider you use because they’re not all created equally, of course.

Only premium Usenet service providers provide you with free SSL encryption and zero-log VPN service. This means that your service provider and virtual private network won’t “log” or monitor any information or activity sent through the network. So you can rest assured in knowing that no one is keeping tabs on the things you download, sites you visit online, or saving any of your sensitive information. After all, anonymity is one of the biggest features that’s so appealing about Usenet.

Added Safety With a VPN

A VPN isn’t a required necessity when using Usenet but it’s certainly an added safety measure that’s good to have. Typically, when you get an NZB file from your indexer or if you’re downloading a particular binary file to your computer, your IP address will get logged and stored. The use of a VPN will prevent anyone from seeing this activity.

Threats to Usenet

Malware is something that can indeed be a threat to Usenet. And true enough, you might have a VPN, which can reduce the chances of your device getting impacted by malware, you still want to make sure your device is protected, and the best way to do that is with premium anti-malware or anti-virus software.

These virus and malware attacks on your computer typically happen when downloading files on Usenet. Knowing that, you want to always scan a particular file before opening it to make sure it doesn’t contain any viruses that can destroy your computer if installed. And usually, as you’re looking at files to download, you can get a pretty good idea of if it contains a virus by looking at the comments beneath the file.

There are ways to prevent malware, including limiting your file sharing, but sharing files is all part of the fun of Usenet! Anything you want to download and install on your computer, just be sure to scan it through your antivirus software first… That should do the trick in protecting your device when it comes to downloading files.

Standing the Test of Time

Whether you want to believe it or not, there’s no denying the amazing fact that Usenet is still around today and thriving. From its humble beginnings in the late 70s, it’s still one of the safest ways to communicate and share files versus today’s technology.