
Latest Hacks To Ace Web Development In Melbourne


Website development doesn’t end by merely introducing a business to the web world and creating a website. A website requires constant updates, upgrades and maintenance of the currently available services. The entire process falls on the shoulders of two teams: front-end and back-end. 

The demand for online services and purchases has peaked, especially in 2020 after the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic. In the constantly evolving field, web developers have to be up-to-date and aware of all the new technologies emerging regarding web development in Melbourne to stay afloat. 

Importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends

  • According to Internet statistics for 2021, more than 1.83 billion websites exist on the internet (as of January 2021). And more than 4.7 billion active internet users, which only imply fierce competition between companies. 
  • Every company has to face a lot of competition to stay on the top of search engines, for which the latest developments will help. 
  • It gives the company insights to give a better user experience. 
  • With the implementation of newer technologies, the company’s outreach can expand globally with exponential growth.
  • It helps the company to bring in more dynamic and practical methods for the developers to update their websites.
  • It helps in improving the company’s sustainability in the market.
  • With continuous research about the latest development in the web development field, the company can maximise its current opportunities and help dominate its market.

8 things to consider in 2021

  1. Cloud backup

Cloud computing services are predicted to advance in 2021. Cloud computing is the best solution for backing up all the existing data without the fear of losing any of it. Hence the need for regular servers is going to reduce over time. Using cloud services helps in reducing the development costs and gives strength to the web structure. 

  1. Advancement of API-first development

Traditionally, developers used to think about developing a website or an app while not considering the API (application programming interface) equally. With the traditional approach, the API development takes very long, increasing the company’s expenses over it, late entry into the marketplace, and often gives poor results. API development needs to be properly designed and tested in order to catch the eye of the target audience. 

The API-first concept is about designing the API first before the program is actually tested or implemented. By using this strategy, web developers will build the website after first developing the interface and then building everything around it. This strategy will play a crucial role in web development in 2021 as it is going to help reduce the cost of training and become easier to keep working on it.

  1. Cybersecurity

Many cases of cyber threats, risks, and crimes make it to the headlines, making this one of the most important trends of the year. Web developers need to be more cautious and keep upgrading the security since these web applications and websites collect users’ personal information, location and allow them to conduct online transactions.

To avoid cyber phishing and bullying, complex algorithms are written that give end-to-end user encryption. These algorithms can protect the network from unapproved access. If the information is streamlined, it gains the users’ confidence and helps in the business’s growth.

  1. Voice search commands

Voice commands are such an important trend that they are almost impossible to overlook. Many speaker companies and search engines have come up with voice recognition and voice access to receive search commands. These days most people would prefer having given orders without actually having to type into a screen. Voice commands have opened the door to new strategies for search engine optimisation by using voice search keywords. 

  1. Dark theme

With increasing awareness of blue-light’s effect on the eyes and sleep health, dark theme interfaces are the latest growing trends seen in most web apps and web pages. Along with a better user experience, it gives the developer an opportunity to add a stylish touch. It also turns beneficial for the devices. The black pixel enhances visibility in the darkness and saves battery. 

  1. Push notifications

The notification a user receives on their device after signing up for a web service or accessing a web application is the result of push notifications. They are becoming nearly essential to gain the users’ attention to newer services or products or updates. 

These notifications will bring the user to the directed web page and help them attractively deliver a piece of information. Rather than sending an email or SMS to the user about the new development, it gives the company an advantage to communicate effectively.

  1. Speed of the web page

Studies reveal that if a web page’s speed is slower, more than even a second, it results in reducing the conversions by 7%. Users’ time must be treated as an asset to achieve maximum outcome. The webpage has to be constantly checked for the time it takes to load. If slower speed is observed, the troubleshooting has to be carried out immediately to optimise the performance. 

There are different issues to look for which might hamper the pace, like cache build-up, overloading the database, broken links, etc.

  1. Development of AI chatbots

Since the development of business may mean expanding the business globally, which in turn means to have a 24/7 customer service. Providing a 24-hour service can be a complicated and expensive task. The only (better) solution for this is developing AI-powered chatbots. 

It provides instant support and provides the customer a faster service. This has turned out to be the trendiest feature over a few years, mainly because of its varied applications. 


Web development requires continuous updates and research over new technologies. Implementing new ideas and concepts can help boost the company’s revenue and outreach to a broader audience. Hence, web developers must thoroughly study the latest trend in the web development field before planning updates to stay in line with the market.