Digital Marketing – TechRado Tech News Around The Globe Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:54:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Marketing – TechRado 32 32 Reddit Subscribers: Why They Matter and How to Get Them? Tue, 20 Jun 2023 00:47:40 +0000 In the vast landscape of social media, Reddit holds a unique position as a platform where niche communities can thrive. However, the key to a successful subreddit lies in its subscribers, and understanding their significance is crucial. This article will delve into why Reddit subscribers matter, their impact on subreddit growth, and strategies to attract and retain them, such as crafting compelling content, promotion, active moderation, leveraging Reddit’s features, collaborations, and the strategic decision to buy Reddit subscribers.

The Significance of Reddit Subscribers for Your Community

A subreddit’s subscribers form the core of its community. They’re the ones who engage with the content, participate in discussions, share posts, and contribute to the community’s overall growth and vibrancy. Each subscriber represents a potential contributor to your subreddit, thereby enhancing its richness and diversity. The larger your subscriber base, the more active and diverse your community can be. Hence, Reddit subscribers are of significant importance for your community’s success.

Impact of Subscribers on Subreddit Growth

The number of subscribers directly impacts the growth and visibility of your subreddit. With more subscribers, your content has a higher chance of getting upvoted, increasing its visibility on Reddit. Moreover, a higher subscriber count adds credibility to your subreddit, making it more attractive for potential new members. Therefore, growing your subscriber base is crucial for expanding your subreddit.

Crafting Compelling and Relevant Content

Creating compelling and relevant content is a crucial strategy to attract new subscribers. Ensure that your posts align with the subreddit’s theme and cater to the interests of your target audience. Use engaging headlines, pose thought-provoking questions, and stimulate discussion. Regularly posting quality content not only keeps your subscribers engaged but also attracts new ones.

Promoting Your Subreddit to Attract Subscribers

Effective promotion is key to attracting new subscribers. Share your subreddit in relevant spaces on Reddit, such as in comments, related subreddits, or Reddit’s promotional threads. You can also promote your subreddit on other social media platforms, blogs, forums, and any other online spaces where potential subscribers might be present.

Engaging and Retaining Subscribers through Active Moderation

Active moderation helps retain subscribers and foster a healthy community culture. Respond to comments, acknowledge valuable contributions, set clear guidelines, and ensure they are followed. An engaged and well-moderated community is more likely to retain its subscribers and attract new ones.

Leveraging Reddit’s Advertising and Promotional Features

Reddit offers various advertising and promotional features that you can leverage to attract subscribers. Sponsored posts and ads can help you reach a wider audience within Reddit. Tailor your advertisements to align with your target audience’s interests to maximize their effectiveness.

Engaging in Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborating with other subreddits or partnering with relevant entities can significantly boost your subreddit’s visibility and subscriber count. This could involve cross-promotion, hosting shared events, or conducting AMAs (Ask Me Anything) with notable personalities.

Buying Reddit Subscribers

An efficient and fast way to increase your Reddit subscribers is to buy them. Platforms like InstaFollowers offer such services. With InstaFollowers, you just need to copy your subreddit link into the appropriate section on their site, select the number of subscribers you want, and make a purchase. This can be an excellent strategy for those looking to quickly boost their subreddit and increase their community’s activity.

In conclusion, Reddit subscribers are vital for the growth and success of your subreddit. By creating engaging content, promoting your subreddit effectively, engaging with your subscribers, and even choosing to buy Reddit subscribers through platforms like InstaFollowers, you can cultivate a thriving subreddit community.

PPC Advertising Management Process Guide for Ads That Convert Sun, 02 Apr 2023 20:25:13 +0000 Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for businesses to drive traffic to their websites and increase revenue. However, running a successful PPC company campaign is not just about putting ads out there and hoping for the best. It requires a careful and structured process that involves several critical steps that are essential for success

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at each of these steps and provide insights into the best practices for creating and managing a successful PPC advertising campaign.

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Objectives

Defining clear goals and objectives for your PPC advertising campaign is crucial to its success. Without a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, it’s impossible to develop an effective strategy and measure your progress.

To define your goals and objectives, you need to ask yourself what you want to achieve through your PPC advertising campaign. Are you looking to increase website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can then develop a strategy that is aligned with them.

It’s important to ensure that your goals are specific and measurable. For example, rather than aiming to “increase sales,” you might set a goal of generating $10,000 in sales through your PPC campaign within the next month.

Step 2: Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research is a critical component of any PPC advertising campaign. It involves identifying the search terms and phrases that your target audience is using to find products or services like yours.

To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. These tools can provide insights into the volume of searches for specific keywords, as well as their level of competition.

When conducting keyword research, it’s important to focus on keywords that are relevant to your business and have a high potential for conversion. You may also want to consider long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have lower competition.

Step 3: Develop Your Ad Copy

Your ad copy is the text that appears in your PPC ads. It’s crucial to develop ad copy that is clear, concise, and compelling to attract potential customers and encourage them to take action.

When developing your ad copy, keep your target audience in mind. What are their pain points and needs, and how can your product or service address them? Be sure to highlight the benefits of your product or service, rather than simply listing features.

In addition to your ad copy, you’ll also need to develop a strong headline and call-to-action (CTA). Your headline should be attention-grabbing and relevant to your target audience, while your CTA should encourage them to take action, such as clicking through to your website or making a purchase.

Step 4: Set Your Budget and Bids

Setting a budget and bids for your PPC campaign is essential to ensure that your ads are seen by the right audience. Your budget will determine how much you can spend on your PPC campaign overall, while your bids will determine how much you are willing to pay for each click on your ads.

When setting your budget and bids, it’s crucial to consider the potential ROI of your campaign. How much revenue can you realistically expect to generate from your advertising efforts? You may need to adjust your budget and bids over time based on the performance of your ads.

Step 5: Launch Your Campaign

Once you have developed your ad copy, selected your keywords, and set your budget and bids, you’re ready to launch your campaign. Your ads will begin to appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) and on other websites that are part of the ad network you have selected.

It’s essential to monitor your campaign closely after launching to ensure that it is performing as expected. You may need

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize Your Campaign

After launching your PPC campaign, it’s important to monitor its performance closely. This includes tracking your ad spend, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and other key metrics.

By analyzing this data, you can identify areas where your campaign may be underperforming and make adjustments accordingly. For example, if you notice that your CTR is low, you may need to adjust your ad copy or targeting to better resonate with your target audience.

In addition to monitoring your campaign’s performance, it’s also important to regularly optimize it. This involves making adjustments to your targeting, ad copy, and bidding strategy to improve the overall performance of your campaign.

Step 7: Conduct A/B Testing

A/B testing is an essential component of any successful PPC advertising campaign. It involves testing two versions of an ad against each other to determine which one performs better.

When conducting A/B testing, you’ll need to test one element at a time, such as your ad copy, headline, or CTA. By testing these elements individually, you can determine which ones have the biggest impact on your campaign’s performance and make adjustments accordingly.

Step 8: Retargeting

Retargeting is a powerful strategy that involves targeting individuals who have previously visited your website or engaged with your brand in some way. By retargeting these individuals with relevant ads, you can increase the likelihood that they will convert.

Retargeting can be done through a variety of channels, including social media, display ads, and search ads. When developing your retargeting strategy, it’s important to ensure that your ads are relevant and provide value to your target audience.

Step 9: Review and Adjust Your Campaign Regularly

PPC advertising is not a “set it and forgets it” strategy. To ensure its continued success, you need to regularly review and adjust your campaign based on its performance and changing market conditions.

Regular reviews can help you identify areas where your campaign may be underperforming and make adjustments accordingly. It’s also important to stay up-to-date with changes in your industry, your target audience, and the PPC advertising landscape as a whole.

Step 10: Measure Your ROI

Finally, it’s important to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your PPC advertising campaign. This involves comparing the revenue generated by your campaign to the amount of money you spent on advertising.

By measuring your ROI, you can determine whether your campaign is generating a positive return on investment or whether adjustments need to be made to improve its performance.


PPC advertising is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to drive traffic to their websites and increase revenue. However, running a successful PPC advertising campaign requires a careful and structured process that involves several critical steps.

By defining your goals and objectives, conducting keyword research, developing compelling ad copy, setting your budget and bids, launching your campaign, monitoring and optimizing its performance, conducting A/B testing, retargeting, reviewing and adjusting your campaign regularly, and measuring your ROI, you can create a successful PPC advertising campaign that delivers real results for your business.

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Guide to New Marketing Tactics for Your Business Sun, 20 Nov 2022 02:13:23 +0000 The techniques and tools used in marketing are rapidly changing. In order to keep up, you need to stay on top of what’s new. That way, you’ll have a leg up on your competitors, who may still be using old-fashioned techniques. In this post, you can explore some fresh ways of marketing that have been gaining popularity over the last few years and will continue gaining traction in the future.

It’s Time To Automate

Automation is the idea that your marketing campaigns can run without human intervention. For instance, automated texting service can get text messages out to customers automatically on a schedule you set, which is especially appropriate for companies that have repeat customers who need reminders about their favorite products and services. There are also other automation tools available now that will do everything from scheduling your tweets to sending out pre-written emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. Not only does this provide you with more time to spend on other aspects of your business, but it can also save you time and money in the long run.

Up Your Video Marketing Game

A vast majority of internet users watch videos for free online rather than paying for television. In the past, getting your business or service in front of these people would have been difficult. Today, there is a bevy of video marketing options for you to leverage. However, simply posting a few videos will not be enough to stand out from the competition. You’ll need to get creative with your videos and use them to tell your brand story and create an emotional connection with viewers. Instead of simply promoting your products or services, try creating informative or educational videos that will offer value to your viewers. You can also experiment with different formats, such as customer testimonials, interviews, or live demonstrations. While at it, do not forget to hold live interactive sessions, which will come in handy in building trust and rapport with your audience.

Direct or Targeted Marketing

Direct marketing involves sending out a message to people interested in what you offer and who fit within certain criteria. For example, a business that sells gardening supplies could target its advertising to homeowners who live in areas with high rates of soil erosion. It differs from mass marketing, where the same message goes out to everyone, making it a cheaper alternative. You can do this in several ways, including through direct mail, emails, phone calls, or even face-to-face interactions. The good thing about this method

Mobile Apps Are on the Menu

It’s time for your business to get a mobile app! If prospective customers can download your app from the Apple or Android store, they can use it instead of your website to make purchases, sign up for email lists, and more. With a mobile app, businesses can take advantage of features such as push notifications and location-based services to deliver targeted messages directly to their customers’ smartphones. In addition, mobile apps can provide businesses with valuable data about the preferences and behaviors of customers.

Content Marketing

Content marketing refers to an approach in which marketing messages are embedded in relevant content, such as blogs and product descriptions. By creating and distributing high-quality content, you can build trust and credibility with your target audience, positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry. And since content marketing is a less intrusive form of advertising, it can be an excellent way to reach customers who are turned off by traditional forms of marketing.

Use AI and Chatbots

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots have become an increasingly popular marketing tool. A chatbot is a program that can simulate human conversation, and you can use it to answer customer questions, promote products or services, and even place orders. The best part is that chatbots are available 24/7, so your customers can reach you any time of day or night. In addition, chatbots can be customized to match your brand’s voice and personality.

If you want to boost your business’s brand exposure, consider integrating some of these techniques. Most of these marketing techniques are easy to use and cost-effective, which means you will boost your business’s bottom line.

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3 Effective Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Website Tue, 23 Nov 2021 01:39:15 +0000 When you have a website, getting traffic to it has to be a priority. There is no point in having it sitting there looking good but attracting no attention, especially when it could be such a good marketing tool. It’s even more crucial to have plenty of visitors if you operate an online store; the more people who visit, the more sales you’ll make. 

Yet, with so much competition, it’s hard to get a good flow of traffic at times. It is possible, though, if you follow some vital traffic boosting tactics. Once you do this, you should be able to tap into a vast network of people who want to buy from you and who want to come to your website. Read on to find out more. 

Write Great Content 

If you want people to visit your website and stay there for a while – very important in terms of SEO and reach – then you need to fill it with great content. It should look good, of course, but if it is all style and no substance, people will get bored very quickly and go to competitors who have more interesting things to tell them. 

Having a blog on your site will help you. When you have a blog, you have the ideal space to create excellent content that is useful, informative and that brings people to your site when they find it through search engines. Utilize effective SEO methods and find a reliable link building service to assist you, and you should see an increase in traffic to your website as long as you are producing good content regularly. 

Use Social Media 

Social media for business is something you should certainly put into practice. It’s no longer a rarity to find a business with a Facebook page or Instagram account; today, customers anticipate being able to find you on social media on at least one platform and, ideally, more than one. It can look suspicious if you’re not there, and people who might otherwise buy from you could see you as untrustworthy. A good social media presence shows you care about your brand, and you want people to see it. 

Plus, social media is where you’re going to be able to find your customers. Most people use social media daily, so if you can post good content and give them useful information, they will often follow up by visiting your website. Thus, social media can be seen as the very start of the buying process. 

Think About Paid Options 

Although in most cases saving money is a crucial part of any business owner’s plan, sometimes you do need to invest in certain areas if you want to get ahead, and certainly, if you want to boost traffic to your site, this can be an ideal way to at least get started. 

Paid options include having ads on your site, paying for Google AdWords to be seen more easily in search engine results, and having a link-building campaign as mentioned above. Put some or all of these things into practice, and if it is done right – with expert help in many cases – you’ll see more traffic coming to your website, and therefore a return on your investment. 

Lead Generation Agencies That Will Help You Boost Your Sales Thu, 23 Sep 2021 07:40:32 +0000 Fresh leads are the lifeblood of any business, so how can a company ensure a steady stream of quality leads when operations, logistics, and other necessary tasks consume the workday? Thankfully, many companies exist that can help boost sales through lead generation.  

5 Lead Generation Companies to Help Boost Sales

Whether it’s cold calling, data collection, or customer management, Lead Generation agencies offer various services to help increase sales and reach a variety of business objectives. Here are five companies to consider.


CIENCE uses its Orchestrated Outbound program to build relationships with potential customers. With a combination of AI, Machine Learning, and their proprietary software platform, CIENCE provides each client with an individualized, targeted account list. 

This agency offers a People as a Service (PaaS) model, so clients collaborate directly with the CIENCE Sales Development team to strategize and execute a tailored business plan.

CIENCE offers four pricing packages, including: 

  • SDR Team
  • Inbound SDR
  • Data – Custom Sales Research
  • CRM Migration & Integration

Each SDR (Sales Development Representative) at CIENCE holds at least one sales certification. The combination of advanced technology with human oversight will help you maintain a steady stream of qualified leads

Launch Leads

Launch Leads offers B2B lead generation solutions for top-of-funnel sales needs and has worked with various industries.

Their core tenets framework provides a cyclical process designed to help businesses break through status quo performance. These four tenets include:

  • Strategic planning
  • Multi-variable testing
  • Performance evaluation
  • Campaign optimization

Services include lead qualification, appointment setting, creating hyper-targeted lead lists, dead lead revival, and lead nurturing. Launch Leads focuses on effective appointment setting with strategies tailored to specific customers and industries.


Upcall’s services include real phone calls, texts, and email conversations with potential customers. They’re trusted by brands such as Farmer’s Insurance, Airbnb, LG, and Coldwell Bankers.

They offer services for every part of the buyer’s journey, from cold calling prospects to cultivating existing relationships and improving customer experience. Services fall into four main categories:

  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Qualification 
  • Market Research
  • Customer Engagement

Upcall also covers compliance requirements to ensure all calls are authorized and of high quality. 


The mission of LeadGenius is to connect B2B sales and marketing organizations with prospects via unique and personalized data sets. They’ve worked with industry leaders such as Indeed, Citrix, PayPal, and Square. 

LeadGenius provides one powerful solution that combines:

  • B2B Data
  • Data Outsourcing
  • Robotic Process Automation

The two products LeadGenius offers are Flow and DataHub. 

Flow is a browser extension that serves as an automation assistant. This tool can help you identify and automate workflows and identify repetitive tasks consuming your team’s time throughout the day. DataHub is a self-service data tool to facilitate data acquisition and analysis.

Outbound View

Although they work with a variety of clients, Outbound View specializes in the niches of GovTech (targeting government employees at all levels), HR buyers, and learning and training companies. 

Outbound View offers a variety of products depending on your needs and goals:

  • Launch
  • Scale
  • EventPro
  • BuyerMovement
  • Buyer Intent Data
  • Data Teams

Every business has unique needs. Whether looking to develop a product launch, drive attendance to an event, or re-engage past clients,  Outbound View has a service specific to each of these goals.


In today’s competitive market, businesses of all sizes need to spend their time efficiently and effectively. Having quality leads is more important than having a high quantity of leads.

From email marketing to cold calling data analysis, Lead Generation companies can offer targeted approaches to provide qualified leads that will help increase sales and grow businesses.

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Benefits of Link Building Fri, 10 Sep 2021 03:45:04 +0000 Any brand or company, no matter its stage of development, understands the importance of good search engine optimization (SEO). And SEO goes beyond just keywords and meta descriptions. It requires other tactics such as quality content, content strategy, link building, among other tactics.

One of the most essential tactics in the above-mentioned list is link building. That said, do you have a grasp as to what link building means? It is an essential part of SEO and increasing your site’s ranking on SERPs.

What is Link Building?

Link building refers to the process of getting inbound links to your site. However, it is more than just posting links that redirect back to your website, because simply doing that doesn’t improve your ranking. Link building entails strategizing and creating relations with authoritative sites, and only using links in places where they are relevant and valuable to users.

If link building is challenging, you might prefer to use the white label link building services. These services combine the services of both SEO agencies and third-party linking agencies. The third-party help you execute and coordinate link building, while the SEO agencies provide you with link building services. These services help you handle the tedious task of finding authoritative and valuable backlinks, which allows you to focus on other parts of your business.

What are The Benefits of Link Building?

Case study after case study continues to demonstrate that despite Google’s best efforts, link building is still an irreplaceable SEO tool available to businesses looking to cut through the noise. With more content and competition for valuable consumers than ever before, link building and SEO optimization are proving to be an evergreen resource for companies of all sizes.

It Helps with Your Brands SEO Campaign Scores

If you know the basics of SEO, you might have a basic understanding of some terms, such as Alexa Rank, Domain Authority (DA), Page Rank (PR), Domain Rating (DR), among others. Having valuable and authoritative backlinks helps improve these metric rankings for your website’s benefit. It helps improve your SEO, increasing your overall exposure and visibility on search engines, helping your SEO campaign altogether.

A successful SEO campaign means gaining higher metrics on ranking lists and search engines. Link building is an essential part of this campaign. It helps increase your brand’s reputation and overall ranking on search engines by boosting traffic. SERPs begin to recognize your site, ranking you higher on search results and recommending your site to users.

It Builds Brand Credibility

Backlinks are valuable for any site because they help improve credibility. They serve as third-party certifiers indicating that your domain has authoritative strength. Since search engines are seeking to provide users with the most relevant and useful results, they factor in domain authority when doing this. And having several high-quality and authoritative backlinks helps search engines rank your site as a reputable and credible site.

A credible and reputable site is a successful site. It gains more traffic and clicks, which ultimately translates into more sales, revenue, and profits. With these, you can easily scale up and gain a large market share. It helps boost your competitiveness with your competitors.

It Increases Your Website’s Traffic

Link building is one of the best ways of attracting relevant traffic from authoritative sites in your industry. By using careful targeting practices in your niche and to the relevant audience, backlinks can prove resourceful in increasing your brand’s website traffic. Good web traffic is a great sign that your website is strong and healthy. It will increase your ranking on SERPs.

Improves Your Sales and Revenue Margins

By having more authoritative and valuable backlinks, your site will rank higher on search engines. Therefore, more people will see your domain in their searches, which translates to more website traffic. The more traffic your site receives, the more your chances of making more sales. And more sales mean more opportunities and revenue for your brand.

Helps Improve Relationships Within Your Brands Niche

Link building is recommendable because not only does it boost your ranking in search engine results, but also because it helps in creating a network with your niche’s most valuable and authoritative players. It opens your brand up to opportunities such as recommendations and collaborations with key players in your industry. That could prove resourceful for your business growth and development.


Link building is an essential part of any website’s SEO campaign. It helps link a site to authoritative and reputable sources in your industry, boosting the site’s overall ranking in search engine results. That drives more traffic to a website, opening up the brand to revenue and opportunities. 

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Digital Marketing For Small Businesses: Benefits, Challenges And Best Practices Fri, 03 Sep 2021 02:51:26 +0000 Introduction

The marketing landscape has changed for good. Today, most business marketing is done with the help of digital marketing platforms. Why? Because most of the audiences are spending their time on digital media platforms.

Take yourself as an example; just calculate the number of hours you spend on digital platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, Tik-Tok, and others; you will find that all your free time is invested in these platforms.

Seeing how the digital media platform has become active, marketers have found a new place to market their products and services. However, if you have a business and are not utilizing digital marketing, you miss out on high-quality audiences for your business.

If you want to grow your business in today’s digital world, hire a Digital Marketing Agency, Now! We mean, right now!

Benefits Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is not only for big names. Even if you have a new startup or have a small business, you can use Digital Marketing to get new customers for your business. Digital marketing gives a highway to engage with relevant audiences and optimize your business according to audiences’ needs.

Here are a few benefits of using Digital Marketing for small businesses.

1. Budget Friendly

As a small business owner, you would always be short on budget. Hence, you would need a strategy that would help you with brand recognition and reach out to relevant audiences. This is where digital marketing can help you.

2. Reach

Marketing is all about reach. If you cannot reach your target audiences. Your marketing campaign is just a failure. As people spend more time on digital media, you can showcase your product services to them by investing in digital marketing, thereby increasing your reach almost instantly.

3. Time Effective

Digital marketing does not need intermediate points to launch your marketing campaign. In fact, you don’t have to leave your office; you can simply create high-quality content for the audience and share it with them.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

It is no surprise that the average person spends most of their free time on digital media scrolling down the news feeds or seeing what is happening around them. At any given time, more than billions of users are active on digital media platforms. That means you will never be out of the audience pool. Hence, it makes the perfect place to market your brand.

What Challenges You Might Encounter

Everything comes with its fair share of challenges, so does digital marketing. We have already talked about how digital marketing helps small businesses, but that can only be done after understanding the challenges it brings to the table.

Challenge 1: Learning About Your Customers

Having something of abundance can be a boon and a curse at the same time. The larger your audience pool is, the more customers you can get for your business. But this also means that you might have to filter out your audiences carefully. Understanding your audience’s persona is important.

Challenge 2: Creating Engaging Content

Digital marketing is supported by creating engaging content. With good content, your marketing strategy will only be an empty shell. Customers and your prospective clients are always hungry for fresh content that directs them to the solutions.

Challenge 3: Establishing Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Customers are active on multiple devices and platforms. So, it is no longer relevant for you to focus on only one platform or device. If you want to get the best out of digital marketing campaigns, you must consider an omnichannel marketing strategy.

What Are The Best Practices?

Now that you know the benefits and challenges Digital Marketing brings to the table, you must know the best digital marketing trends and practices of 2021.

Adding Chatbots: Conversational marketing uses technology to engage with their audiences. In fact, these chatbots are the point of contact that converse with your audience regarding their problem.

Voice Search: Today, people are more inclined to voice search anything than simply typing the keywords. With the advancement of AI and ML technology, voice search features are getting better every day. Hence, adding them to your website will enhance the user experience.

Personalization: Most of the time, users get irrelevant content which makes them frustrated. If you can offer personalized content to your audiences, your results will improve 18X.


There you have it. We have tried to cover every aspect of digital marketing to help you better understand the subject. If there are any doubts regarding the article, or you simply have any additional queries on Digital Marketing, feel free to get in touch with us.

5 Tips For Outstanding Ecommerce Website Design Tue, 31 Aug 2021 14:09:44 +0000 eCommerce is one of the fastest-growing industries, and it’s not showing signs of slowing down anytime soon. The recent COVID pandemic has pushed thousands of businesses from traditional brick-and-mortar shops to online platforms, making the competition much harder than it ever was.

If you’re trying to optimize your online store and ensure that you thrive in a digital environment, you should make your site as unique as possible. This article will give you a few design tips that will help you gain a competitive edge in the digital space.

1. Put Your Brand In The Spotlight

There is an unlimited list of eCommerce platforms where people buy items every day. You probably already know that most of them look generic, and that’s something you want to avoid. A website without clear branding and a recognizable design won’t last more than a few months. What’s more, platforms like that can’t help you grow a business or become a leader in your industry.

It doesn’t matter how good your offers are, if you don’t present them in the right way, your website won’t be able to attract customers for long. That’s why you need a website with clear branding, easy navigation, and plenty of product information. Branding is the key to success for any eCommerce site, so make sure that your customers know what they are buying and who they are buying it from. 

If you’re struggling to figure everything out by yourself, get in touch with one of the top web design companies, and experts will show you how to brand your website according to the latest trends.

2. Keep It Simple

Imagine landing on a website to buy something only to realize that you don’t know where to click to get to what you want. Some website owners want to implement all kinds of features, so much so that they forget about the importance of keeping things simple. 

No one wants to buy from an eCommerce platform that makes it complicated to make a purchase. The simpler the navigation is, the more success your site will have.

Adding too many features to your website will increase page loading times and harm your SEO. The best thing to do is to provide a limited number of high-quality products and make the user experience as simple as possible. Streamline all options and declutter product pages to make it easier for your customers to find what they need and purchase it. 

3. Utilize The Power Of Visual Elements

Buying online means that your customers won’t get the chance to see and feel the items in your offer before they buy it. Since you can’t offer your customers the chance to try something on, the next best thing is to provide high-resolution photos, product videos, and possibly a 3D model of every product.

The Baymard Institute concluded that a quarter of eCommerce websites still don’t offer high-quality product images, which gives you a good place to start when building your website. 

The ideal approach is to create 3D models users can rotate so they can view the product from all sides. According to our friends from the best web design company in New York, high-quality images and product videos have a significant effect on customer purchasing decisions and customer satisfaction.

4. Implement Omnichannel Customer Support

Some of your customers will need help to follow through with a purchase. They might have a few questions about the checkout process, or they may want to ask for more information about the product. Making sure that they have the option to get in touch with your customer support team will help you go a long way in growing your company.

Include a FAQ page, provide your business email, phone numbers, and HQ location at the end of every page, and incorporate a live chat feature. You want to make sure that every customer gets what they need, as soon as possible.

This will have a positive impact on customer retention and relationship quality. Once your customers know that you’re willing to go the extra mile to help them, they will gladly share their experience with friends and family members. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

5. Don’t Forget About Social Proof

We touched a little bit about this when we talked about using photos and videos on product pages, but you should include a few testimonials and product reviews as well. We’re not talking about generic reviews you can write yourself. We mean real user-generated reviews with real opinions.

Most online shoppers will Google your brand and products before making a purchase, so make things easier by adding review information directly to your product page. Think about the information you would want to see when you’re shopping on an eCommerce platform, and you can’t go wrong.

Summing It Up

There are a ton of methods you can use to create a recognizable eCommerce platform. The five tips above are just the tip of the iceberg. You should also make sure that your site is fully responsive, it has personality, and that your branding is consistent throughout the entire user experience.

However, since the trends are changing quickly, you might want to consider contacting a professional web designer to ask them for guidance on your next move. With a little bit of hard work, a creative presentation, and high-quality images, you can make your website more appealing to a wider audience.

10 SaaS Marketing Tools to Boost Your Branding Sat, 28 Aug 2021 18:03:36 +0000 You got your logo, a website, and a great product to introduce to the world.

Why isn’t your SaaS business getting the value it deserves?

Well, maybe not a lot of people know about your product yet.

Brand marketing is more than just creating a logo, setting up a website, and launching a cool tool.

There are more than 15,500 SaaS companies in the online space (Crunchbase, 2020). So whatever your niche is, you can expect tough competition. Your product is great but if it is drowning in a sea of competitors, then you can’t really expect to get any ROI from it. Only proper brand identity agency marketing can let you float for all the world to see.

The problem is, brand marketing can get really expensive, especially if you are paying for people and marketing collateral production.

But is it possible to boost your branding efforts without breaking the bank?

Of course!

For your SaaS brand marketing, you need SaaS tools too!

What are the benefits of using tools to automate your brand marketing workflow? They cut costs and save you time. If one tool can do it all, why spend much more?

And no, this is not just another ploy to get you to sign up for products. Right now, if you want to get ahead of the competition, you have to streamline your work process so that you can concentrate on your top priorities.

So if you want to make your marketing life easier, here are 12 tools that can help you get things done faster without spending big bucks.

Icons8 Image Creator

Easy icon generator

Get pixel-perfect icons, every time.

Icons are an important element of design so if you don’t want to have a hard time coming up with icon sets, you can create your own with Icons8 Mega Creator. The Mega Creator lets you choose from 38 styles. Everything is made by Icon8’s in-house designers and if you are getting the free plan, you have to link back to the site to use a design. Get the $13 monthly subscription and waive the link back, plus get 100 downloads a month.

And if you want to spice up the icon-making game, try their animated icons. Right now, Mega Creator has 900+ moving icons that you can check out and modify to tailor-fit your business needs. Whatever your style, still or animated, you deserve clean and consistent graphics.


Reserve your spot in the cloud

If you are a large marketing team and you often collaborate with a lot of other parties, it is easy to get some files lost. It’s okay if the lost file is something that can easily be reuploaded or redone. But if it is something vital to your campaign, this might compromise your marketing operation.

With Filecamp, you’re assured this won’t happen. All your digital assets are labelled and stored where everyone in your team can easily access them. The bigger the number of files to be organized, the better it is to have Filecamp. Collaborate with your team through its file sharing and commenting features. The multiple themes can also give a customized touch to your Filecamp account. When it comes to organizing your files, this tool uses AI technology to make sure that everything is properly labelled and you can find each file as needed. The user management system also allows you to set who gets to access specific folders.

All plans have unlimited user access and free bandwidth. The basic one costs $29/month but if you are a big marketing team, you can always go for the Advanced or Professional plan for more features.


Set-up software without coding

You’ve done your research and found the right tools but can’t add them to your website or connect them with other apps because – alas – you don’t know how to code!

Even the most seasoned marketer can have Waterloos too, and sometimes, it’s coding. If you want to integrate b2b software without typing codes, Apiway can save your day. It’s a free integration platform that allows you to streamline your workflow. Yep, you read it right. It’s completely free.

Choose from more than 50 b2b software that can automate your marketing workflow, e-mail process, or CRM. Plus, more software vendors are coming so you can expect more options. Can’t find your app? Contact the team and they can develop an integration for you!


Your brand design in one click

With the fast pace of popular culture, brands must be quick to recognize trends or be left on the sidelines.

Baseline recognizes that marketers need a tool to automate content creation. That is why it has come up with an all-in-one design system that SaaS marketers will love. If you are in a rush, you can create a fully designed Instagram post in one click – you only have to edit the text details.

The free account comes with all valuable features like access to all templates, stock photos, vector files, an AI-powered background removal tool, and a brand guide. It is only limited to one brand and one download per month though. If you are handling multiple brands, get the Professional plan for $25/month or go all-in with the business plan at $99/month.

A powerful background removal tool

The e-commerce industry is one of the fastest-growing on the world wide web. And if you are looking for a reliable tool that can help you improve your shop product displays, will save the day.

This powerful background remover is equipped with top-of-the-line AI technologies that allow you to remove image background in no time at all. It automatically detects objects and offers a smooth cutout that can even finely clean hair or fur edges.


Generate image variations on the fly.

Wouldn’t it be easier if you can just find a tool that can automate your routine tasks?

If you are a SaaS marketer that’s swamped with making graphics every day for your social media pages, Pixelixe will make your life easier.

There are a lot of online image editors right now, but only a few offer image automation services. Pixelixe can generate unlimited variations of your graphic as an end-to-end solution to your marketing visuals production. You can also add images and texts in a spreadsheet and convert spreadsheets into graphics on the fly. Its graphic and image editor can be integrated into any website or web application and you can customize the editor’s logo, colors, and features so that it will look more like your brand.

Want a more advanced feature? If you are a developer, you will enjoy the image processing and editing API side of Pixelixe. Enjoy a 10-day trial to check it out! No credit card is required.


An online logo maker and more.

If you want to use vectors in your marketing collateral designs, especially your logo, you have to try Drawtify.

Drawtify is an online graphic design tool that can help you create vector logos and other graphics. With its repository of 20000+ icons and shapes, you can create a simple brand logo even if you are not a professional designer. If you do not have any logo design to start with, it can recommend high-quality templates that you can tweak to suit your ideas. It can also let you animate your logos – perfect for video introductions and other social media marketing purposes.

The best news? Its logo maker and graphics editor is free. But you can always shift to a premium subscription if you want more high-quality templates, watermark removal, export to other file types, and larger image storage size. Its most popular subscription plan costs only $8.33 per month!

Text Blaze

Say goodbye to repetitive typing

If you want to automate your replies to chats or e-mails, here’s the tool you are looking for.

Text Blaze is a nifty Chrome extension that allows you to assign shortcuts to repetitive sentences or phrases that you usually use. Simple save a snippet of text (ex. Thank you for using our tool today!) in Text Blaze and then type in your shortcut starting with the backslash sign (ex. /ty1). Use this tool and increase your productivity 11x by just getting rid of those repetitive things that you type.

The best part is that you can have a shared snippet folder with your whole marketing team so if your members are using Chrome, you can be assured that all your replies are consistent since everyone is using the same set of text templates.

Add it to Chrome today, for free!


A full-suite graphics editor.

Stumped for ideas on your next social media post?

Don’t fret if your creative juices stop flowing, Pixelied got you covered. You won’t run out of ideas with thousands of ready-made templates as references. Just tweak it: change the font, colors, and upload your logo to give it a touch of your brand.

Quality graphics means vector graphics. One of the popular features of this tool is that it can let you upload vector files directly and edit them without suffering lags. Some online editing tools have slow loading times, but not the Pixelied interface. Its user-friendly dashboard and quick loading time will let you enjoy editing.

True to its word, it has a pretty straightforward pricing scheme. You only have two choices: Free and Pro. The Pro plan is only $9.95 a month and it throws in multiple features like the background remover, workspaces, addition of team members, brand presets, mockups, resizing, and custom font uploads. It’s a great steal for brand marketers!


Your favorite online sticky note board

If you are a fan of collaboration through sticky notes, this tool is perfect for you!

Trello organizes each project into boards. The Trello Workspaces are a great way to check your job progress or team notes at one glance. Onboard your brand marketing team to Trello and see how easy it is to use. Plus, it can also integrate other apps, like Salesforce or Google Drive so you can view files or connect with other apps in one click. Put those to sticky note prowess to work today!


Set your company apart with great branding. Achieve great branding by using automation tools.

Your brand is who you are. Establishing your brand should be your utmost priority since it is what your customer base reacts with. Your brand also presents your business to your ideal customers.

By automating your brand marketing workflow, you can set your SaaS business apart and create a lasting impression on people at the top of the sales funnel. If you want to set up your brand, there are a lot of SaaS tools that can help you do it.

Try these tools for yourself today.

Author’s Bio

Shelly is an experienced writer and search engine optimization specialist. She started as an online freelancer in 2011 and also formerly worked as a university teacher and a public servant. She is currently focused on SEO and marketing efforts for SaaS businesses and startups.

Read here writing pieces at the blog.

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How To Create A Digital Marketing Campaign That Works Fri, 09 Jul 2021 12:43:54 +0000 In today’s digital world, whether you own a small or big business in Oxford or another location, it’s always crucial to have an online presence. As consumers become more tech-savvy, the key to success is to create a digital marketing campaign that works for your business.

Digital marketing campaigns can be complex as they require your attention and dedication from the moment of their creation until presentation to your target audience. Also, a digital marketing campaign is more sustained and dynamic than analog and traditional marketing methods. It also involves more than just placing ads for your brand or business around social media platforms and some websites.

Fortunately, creating a digital marketing campaign doesn’t have to be complicated, especially if you take advantage of the services of reliable marketing agencies, such as Caffeine’s marketing services in Oxford. Regardless of your preferences or needs for your digital marketing campaigns, you can never go wrong with working with professionals.

Below are other ways to create an effective digital marketing campaign:


  • Know Your Goals


If you want to develop a digital marketing campaign that works, you have to know your goals first. The goals you want to pursue and the methods involved in achieving them will depend on your company’s vision.

Your goals are entirely up to you. While these may depend on the current circumstances of your business, you have to make sure that your goals will help your business succeed in the long run.

If you haven’t set specific goals yet, you might want to focus on the following for your campaign:


  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – There are some factors that influence the SEO score of businesses. One of these is the backlinks that your website gets from other trustworthy websites. If you don’t have many backlinks, improving your SEO should be one of your goals when creating digital marketing campaigns.
  • Brand Awareness – If your business is just getting started, your goals may revolve around maximizing your brand awareness to help you widen your reach and boost your audience engagement.




  • Determine Your Budget


Your budget for your digital marketing campaigns can either narrow down or widen out which platforms you can advertise on.

Every platform, whether for digital or physical marketing, has a certain cost tied to it. Once you’ve decided on the budget, you can then steer in which direction you’d like to proceed with your campaign. But keep in mind that the budget needed to create a digital marketing campaign doesn’t come cheap, and you have to know how much you’re willing to spend to avoid overspending.


  • Know Your Target Market


If you want to make the most out of your digital marketing campaign, you should know the people you’re trying to offer your products and services to. Regardless of your budget, the more you know about your target audience, the more you can gauge and adjust your marketing tools to appeal to them. It’s a more efficient approach compared to throwing ideas against the wall and seeing what sticks.

You must start by knowing who’s currently purchasing your products. Your current customers might not be the prospects you’d like to reach with your marketing campaign. If you want to reach new target audiences and widen your reach using your latest digital marketing campaigns, you have to ensure that these won’t affect your existing customers and that you’re in the right direction.


  • Create Effective Content


Content is vital in the world of digital marketing. How you craft your content may go a long way in either bringing your business down or leading it to explosive growth. Besides, your content serves as the primary means of reaching your target audience, convincing them to purchase, and gaining their trust.

Whether it’s your social media profile, landing page, or ads on various platforms, your content has to be engaging and informative. It should add value to your brand and must be up-to-date.

From web content articles to blog posts, and social media ads, you should be creative with your content to sell your products and services on digital platforms. It must be relevant, eye-catching, and engaging enough to convince your customers to make a purchase.


  • Use A Call-To-Action


What’s the use of your digital marketing campaigns if your target audience won’t take action? So, when creating your marketing campaign, always pay importance to your call to action. This will instruct your customers on what to do next with your offers. You also have to make it visible to your target audience.


Since every business is unique, you have to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach in creating a digital marketing campaign that works. So, you have to be flexible with your approach and keep the above tips in mind at all times. Remember that it may come in handy to work with professionals when creating effective digital marketing campaigns.
